Posts tagged with "liberty"

Current Affairs · 2019/12/23
Political correctness is contentious – it was meant to be that way. It was a lousy right-wing media stitch-up to disparage the left and mask political encroachment upon our liberties. It’s been going on for decades. The idea that the right are the new advocates of freedom of speech is plain farcical.
If the World's Economy Were a Haircut, It Would Be a Comb-over
Economics · 2019/11/01
If the world’s economy were a haircut, it would be a comb-over. The strands from the earlobe periphery are being greased across an increasing barren bald patch. It’s not looking good.

blond trailer park trash girl in front of a caravan
Current Affairs · 2019/05/01
The future looks grim. Social media is becoming PC only. Self-censorship sucks nearly as much as moderator’s censorship. Only Tommy Robinson’s Twitter account gave us the chance to directly address the pathetic, dribbling excuse of a man himself… in anyway we wanted. Only Twitter gave us the freedom to have a battle of wits, with the heavy guns and the unarmed alike.
Emma Goldman, anarchist article from Mother Earth journal (from Penny Post)
Anarchism · 2019/04/27
As relevant today as it was over 100 years ago... if you substitute a couple of names and update those prices.

Current Affairs · 2019/04/18
Knuckle-dragging rednecks, college campus jocks and Twitter trolls: the alt-right increasingly resembles Mel Brook's raggle taggle army of hoodlums.
Economic Publisher Don't Need an Invisible Hand - They Need An Invisible Boot In Their Neoliberal Backsides
Politics · 2019/02/10
Modern academic texts uphold the idea that the crash was just a minor glitch and that happy days are just around the corner. The truth: virtually every nation, government, municipality and many households are technically insolvent.