Current Affairs

Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers:
Current Affairs · 2024/12/19
The Truth Economy: How Fact-Checking Became Big Business
Elon Musk: Knob-Bell Piss Prize Winner 2024
Current Affairs · 2024/12/18
Why Elon Musk’s Year of Chaos Earned Him the prestigious Knob-Bell Piss Prize. Promoting billionaires’ agendas and undermining democracy? Just another year for our Knob of the Year.

Right to a Fair Defence for Corporate Criminals who Never Go on Trial
Current Affairs · 2024/11/01
'Everyone has a right to a fair defence', but white-collar criminals never see the inside of a courtroom
Open Borders Work - The Inconvenient Truth
Current Affairs · 2024/10/01
Do open borders work? Today we debunk one of the more common modern myths that closed borders are better. We take a look at the century long success story of the Swiss border.

Current Affairs · 2019/12/23
Political correctness is contentious – it was meant to be that way. It was a lousy right-wing media stitch-up to disparage the left and mask political encroachment upon our liberties. It’s been going on for decades. The idea that the right are the new advocates of freedom of speech is plain farcical.
blond trailer park trash girl in front of a caravan
Current Affairs · 2019/05/01
The future looks grim. Social media is becoming PC only. Self-censorship sucks nearly as much as moderator’s censorship. Only Tommy Robinson’s Twitter account gave us the chance to directly address the pathetic, dribbling excuse of a man himself… in anyway we wanted. Only Twitter gave us the freedom to have a battle of wits, with the heavy guns and the unarmed alike.

Current Affairs · 2019/04/18
Knuckle-dragging rednecks, college campus jocks and Twitter trolls: the alt-right increasingly resembles Mel Brook's raggle taggle army of hoodlums.
Fobbing Us Off with the Political Pepsi Challenge
Current Affairs · 2019/01/01
While we bicker about the blue and red of our cola packaging, politian's purple ties or how much the reds are paying Facebook to help swing U.S. elections, we are distracted from far shadier behind-the-scenes dealings.

Christine Lagarde Made Simple: The Gucci-Bagged Mother Teresa of Finance
Current Affairs · 2018/12/19
IMF's brutal austerity programs not enough? Get ready for more cash creation and the subsequent inflation that will impoverish - not empower - the poor of the planet.
Trade Tariff Reality Check
Current Affairs · 2018/10/29
Cut the hypocritical bull. All wealthy nations got rich with tariffs. In the U.S. expansion period, Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Lincoln, Jackson and Franklin were some of the most protectionist policy makers in history.

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