Posts tagged with "IMF"

Behind the Curtain of the World’s Most Powerful Bank
Banking · 2024/12/22
From Nazi Gold to Digital Surveillance: The Dark History and Future of the Bank of International Settlements
Christine Lagarde Made Simple: The Gucci-Bagged Mother Teresa of Finance
Current Affairs · 2018/12/19
IMF's brutal austerity programs not enough? Get ready for more cash creation and the subsequent inflation that will impoverish - not empower - the poor of the planet.

EU Political Mobsters Stage Coup D’état In Italy
Politics · 2018/11/26
The bloodless coup d’ètat in Italy proves that any semblance of popular democracy in the EU is pure pantomime. The show is still run by an EU ruling class of corporate overlords, financial oligarchs, and their central bankers. Democracy is invalidated by their army of 82,096 lobbyists, 11,327 pressure groups and an entrenched class of political mobsters.