Posts tagged with "Fascism"

The Fascist Blueprint: Israel’s Silent Coup in Europe
Europe’s far-right gains strength as Israel weaponises Islamophobia

'Are you a Fascist?' questionnaire and quiz
Today we ask the question 'Are you a fascist?' and measure your degree of extremity using some of the classic parameters that have historically define the ultra-right. Be honest with your answers - you might be surprised with the result!

This week we are uploading a fascinating series of documentaries about the SPANISH REVOLUTION also known as the SPANISH CIVIL WAR 1936-1939. The series was filmed by Granada TV and shown on British television during the 1970s. As a consequence it is now of more historical relevance than ever as it contains heaps of first hand, eye witness accounts of many of the original protagonists: the republicans, the anarchists, the communists and even some fascist sympathizers.